Sunday, September 13, 2009

My old assistant is in a top med school now. Without an assistant I struggle to even remember where my pencils are. Aside from helping me organize my artist brain she was a great friend and hardly ever complained when I said "lets blow off work and go have some beers at the shack." She will be a famous doctor or surgeon and add much to mankind. When I am wondering around my studios in my socks covered in paint and mumbling I often think of her. I hope she thinks of me when she has some fool patient who accidentally drank his turpentine when he was reaching for his Pepsi. All the best J., miss ya and I am holding my breath for a beer!


1 comment:

  1. I think of you often and miss you all the time! We'll have another drink together soon.


Alice in Winter Watercolor

12  x 16 inches on arches paper to purchase