Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Mr. Gardega said his dog statue is poorly made on purpose.
“I decided to build this dog and make it crappy to downgrade the statue, exactly how the girl is a downgrade on the bull,” he said.
Crap (poorly made pissing dog statute) upon crap (corporate-sponsored feminist vandalism) upon crap (economic fetishism; may the great bull spirit save us from the evil bear spirit).
I can actually get with that.

the "fearless girl" has everything to do with pandering to feminism and virtue signaling.

The girl hasn't got a hijab on. This statue is Islamophobic.
I think I'm getting the hang of being an SJW

I'm kind of disappointed.
Even though I don't have strong feelings about this whole statue drama, "Pissing Pug" could have been an effective commentary if it was well made, instead of this turd-looking thing.
“I decided to build this dog and make it crappy to downgrade the statue, exactly how the girl is a downgrade on the bull,” said Gardega, who has never met the other statues’ creators.
The reason "Fearless Girl" is so damaging the original "Charging Bull" is that it's very similar in style, quality and building materials, giving the impression, to an uninformed viewer, that the two are meant as a pair.
Not only that lazily made "thing" clearly doesn't belong there, you can barely tell it's supposed to be a dog, so, it isn't anywhere as effective at "downgrading" anything, regardless of the artist's intentions/excuses.

For added hypocrisy, Rolling Stone, the corporation, criticizes this guy for not being "truly anti-capitalist" and for "obviously just having always been a misogynist who leapt into action as soon as he saw an opportunity to attack little girls, and fuck whatever he says his actual motives or message was".
Like, jesus fuck the cynical corporate appropriation of feminism here is thick.

I thought it was the complete opposite: it's pulled off really well, but the moment you look at who put it there and why it stops being a feminist symbol and becomes a cynical piece of corporate advertising.

Fearless Girl isn't worth defending, but I'd also argue that the pissing pug dude wildly overshot the mark on what he was trying to do.

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Alice in Winter Watercolor

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