Sunday, December 2, 2007

good snowy morning

I looked out my window this morning at a "freshly fallen silent shroud of snow." If it is going to be cold there might as well be some snow on the ground! I will probably brave the roads and paint on my mural today. My best friend told me last night that he hates that I call myself a genius on my blog and that I should be like and be humble. He asked me whether he was supposed to believe my malarkey and I told him it is not important whether he believes my malarkey just as it is not important whether or not I believe it. He did mention that he reads my blog often and finds it interesting. I promised to humble myself to down a bit and to make my blog a bit less interesting. He did mention that there was a small green vein of jealousy running through the leaf of his thoughts. I was tempted to shout "viva gardega." but wished not to disturb the sushi bar.


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Alice in Winter Watercolor

12  x 16 inches on arches paper to purchase