Wednesday, November 26, 2008

alex explains the dollar

If you look on a dollar you will see that it is a
federal reserve note. It is not actual money. The fed is not a branch of the govt. but rather a private institution that prints money willy nilly and lends it at interest to banks. The constitution says that only the treasury can print money. But no one cares about that document anymore. Each dollar used to be backed by gold. it is now backed by nothing except hot air. (which is why one day it will be worth nothing. ) you cannot print money out of thin air forever. We have what is known as a FIAT CURRENCY* a fiat currency is like a Macy Thanksgiving parade float eventually it is deflated or put to pasture (or worse.) People tend to think they hold actual money in their hand, you are essentially holding a promise (just as lucy promised not to move the ball..) Enjoy your turkey and drive safe. My brain hurts when I think about anything but art.

The terms fiat currency and fiat money relate to types of currency or money whose usefulness results not from any intrinsic value or guarantee that it can be converted into gold or another currency, but instead from a government's order (fiat) that it must be accepted as a means of payment

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Alice in Winter Watercolor

12  x 16 inches on arches paper to purchase