Thursday, June 17, 2010

cap and trade

I will now chime in with my two shillings and you are the one who logged into my blog so if you dont like it you cant go read pet photography blogs. I have learned it is best not to discuss politics with people but god knows Ill spew my views on the great "infranet." My views are independent  and not regurgitated lame stream media propoganda.

1) cap and trade has its origins in Enron..Remember that lovely company--they are the ones who intentionally caused rolling black outs in california and eventually crumbled like the cheap ponzi scheme they were...Ken Lay was a dirty fiend and he handed off the baton of cap and trade to the lovely firm of "blood and gore" (yes that is the name of al gore's company) The point of cap and trade is to trade carbon credits and to be able to buy the right to pollute. This is ENRON 2.0. 

2) "Never let a crises go to waste" this the new mantra...They will now try to use the BP spill to force cap and trade on america and the world, (this is how we got the patriot act forced down our throats. ) This has nothing to do with global warming and nothing to do with the enviroment anymore than the moon has swiss cheese.  This is called a bunch of billionaires creating a new bubble to line the pockets of a very few at a great cost to the great unwashed masses. 

3) They "tried" to CAP the gusher but the only thing they are going to cap is cap and trade and it is going to take millions of americans who are just getting by give them one more hellish tax. The poor american camels back will break and he will fall into the sand.

4) If you dont learn from history you are doomed to repeat it and maerica IS the New Enron
oh, by the way, did I mention this?...BP was a founding member of the U.S. Climate Action Partnership (USCAP), a lobby dedicated to passing a cap-and-trade bill.

wake up back to art!

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Alice in Winter Watercolor

12  x 16 inches on arches paper to purchase