Tuesday, April 29, 2008
School of Renaissance Art
happy tuesday
Today I have to go to Brooklyn to attend to details on some glass deadlines. While I am away my "Great Bread" will be rising to perfection as the secret mixture of oil medium slowly dries and brings flavor and life to my creation. Picasso said that most artists are like bakers, they paint the same thing over and over and over...I was never one who could stomach churning out the same art day after day. I jump around from style to style and my medium changes daily (like my socks.) The downside of getting a name is often people want that individual thing out of you and you get stuck painting for your audience which is akin to painting checks. I decided if I write something for now on I will add a random image of my work to accompany it to liven things up a bit....
study of Velásquez...
Monday, April 28, 2008
iris on gold.
letter to my agent...
I once was asked by a children's book agent to draw him a bunny as a kind of art test. I don't really draw happy furry bunnies so I sent this drawing along with the poem you will find below..
You asked that I draw you a bunny
And a bunny, my friend, you did get
When I started it was pleasant and sunny
But soon it was cloudy and wet
I waited in vain for the sunshine
But the gold eye of heaven showed not!
What kind of agent would be mine?
When my bunny is wet as a sot?
I tried and I dried all the wet fur
So my bunny was fluffy and new
But nothing quite seemed to work, sir
So what was an artist to do?
I went straight down to
Where I knew there a drier or three
And I fluffed up my bunny, hurray
And drew him once more for thee…
1) Clean. I hate cleaning but I will clean my apt. from top to bottom to avoid sitting at my art table to face a dreaded deadline. I will scrub my entire kitchen and fridge to hide from the art table.
2) "Work" on something else. There is no better time to work on a pet project or to fiddle about on an idea of yours than when you are avoiding "real work."
3) Pace. I like to pace a lot and think as I pace and then pace some more.
4) Drink. I used to drink like a real artist and was fond of many a pub but now I do not leave my apt. except to work on glass art or jog.
5) Surf the internet. I often spend hours reading about DNA, Geometry and Art history. I am also I learned conspiracy theorist (of no small repute.)
6) Talk to friends. I have no friends as they are all married in the suburbs and are victims of government/ wife sponsored suburban mind control projects---very dark stuff. Their wives are programmed to shoo away all outdoor alley cats such as my freedom loving self.
7) TV. I no longer own a TV, I gave it away to my parents. Now I stare mindlessly at a cardboard box as it gives me the same neural stimulation I once received from my TV.
8) blarg. I hate word blog and I avoid like leprosy. I like to work on my website as I feel guilty if I do not keep it interesting for my humble readers with updates of splendid pet photos and other such non-such stuff such and things, etc ad nauseum and so on and...
... I have to get back to painting two bronx book covers...
the great bread
words of theday--walt whitman
that walt whitman was not only a great poet but he built a great shopping mall...
Sunday, April 27, 2008
the great bread
"no more miracles, loaves and fishes, been so busy with the washing of the dishes...p.g
Saturday, April 26, 2008
art has many forms
Friday, April 25, 2008
New York Post
Thursday, April 24, 2008
quote of the day------a. einstein
quote of the day--machiavelli
-----I never learned this lesson
Drawing of the day---by gardega
gabriel in Central Park---by gardega
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
36 views of mount fuji---by hokusai
here is a link to the other 35.
one year anniversary of this thingy
all the best,
your humble narrator and scribbler
email me at alexgardega@gmail.com
all are invited.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
quote of the day--joseph conrad
Joseph Conrad
the family and the fishing net
alex the curator
artist of the day---gahan wilson
man trapped in elevator for 42 hours
Monday, April 21, 2008
postage stamps etched in glass
Sunday, April 20, 2008
the pope---by gardega
vienna watercolor
a different sky---by gardega
Saturday, April 19, 2008
quote of the day----H.L. Mencken
central park--by gardega
Friday, April 18, 2008
orion nebula
magneto tail
the earth is surrounded by a bubble of magnetism, this is in part to the molten metal "dynamo" core of the earth. this "bubble" stretches out into space into a "tail" that is basically a long mass of charged particles. If you ever look up and see it is a full moon you can know that the moon is in the middle of our magnetotail. When the moon is in our magnetotail she is being bombarded by charged particles. On the dark side of the moon this can cause the surface to raise into thousands of volts of electrostatic energy. There is speculation that this can actually create a wind, an electrical wind that raise particles into the air etc. This is one of Nasa's pictures to illustrate the tail...
bladder drugs cause memory loss
Update---by gardega
I have been back at my zen inspired watercolors. The more I mature in art the more I realize that there is a large philosophical difference between making art that is concerned with the "process" or "the journey" and making art that is concerned primarily with having a nice finished product to hang above and match your sofa ---Maybe the two meet somewhere on a dusty highway. It is very unlike me to leave out a lot of detail in my work but for some reason I have been working in a minimal fashion on these watercolors. I don't think it is laziness because I like to paint detail. It is more about restraint. Notice my 5 foot "priest" painting tucked behind my desk watching me paint....These are for sale if anyone wishes to buy one or all. Just state which one you would like to see from left to right and I will email you a better photo/ version of it.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
quote of the day
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
how to be a great artist---by gardega
the rules:
1) First you must have a great and unforgettable name before you even take a step onto the rocky path towards fame. Names as Picasso, Dali, Goya, Magritte, Kubin. These are names that carry with them the faint yet unmistakable odor of grandeur and destiny.
2) second it is best to have rich parents as you will not have to pick old pizza out of trash bins for ten years as you strive against impossible odds that would weigh down the most heroic of figures. Gardega had not such luxuries but you can compensate with stubbornness and tenacity and know that one day after the ten thousandth try you will find the right filament to light the bulb of truth and success.
3)thirdly, you must think for yourself and avoid the groupthink of modern life and it is best to be an individual to the 9th degree if you are understood or not you will be better off as it is much better to fail as Gardega than to be another at any cost.
4) Press my friend!!! If you are an unkown artist it is because you are not putting your turkey neck on the chopping block of fear and rejection. It is best to be known and to have people read about you and to buy your art. If you would prefer to hide in the shadows and drive a milk truck down the road of failed destinies you are so entitled! It is good to be on TV and radio and in the gossips and on the pavement casting the long shadows of envy among your comrades.
5) throw out your television. If you spend your time in front of the idiot box your mind with bog down like a chicken in a glue factory. Read those little things called books and research and study and do geometry and be not lazy. If you need to visit bacchus when your mind is weighed down with problems of analytical geometry and you cannot sleep then wine is fine and as baudelaire famously said "stay drunk young man" stay drunk on art, and life and wisdom and words.
ghost of renoir---by gardega
watercolor on Arches paper 22" x 30".
This watercolor is done on a wonderfully crafted (and expensive) sheet of arches watercolor paper. I recommend when framing it that it is framed behind glass in a "Shadow Box" type frame so the rough edges of the paper are visible to the viewer as opposed to being hidden by a matte.
another chance apparel
I have a side project to tell you about - Another Chance Apparel - with my co-worker, JJ Kennedy. It's a line of shirts that have been recycled from cotton waste and plastic bottles spun into fabric and made into shirts. The concept is: Everyone and everything deserves Another Chance - people deserve another chance and so do 'things.' Manufacturing tee shirts made from recycled fabric requires 2/3 less energy, it keeps plastic soda bottles out of landfills, and is just as soft and cozy as regular cotton or organic cotton shirts. Plus, since the cotton is recycled, no pesticides or chemicals were used to grow and maintain cotton fields for these shirts.
Please check out the Another Chance Apparel website at www.marydesilva.com (it's very bare, I built it myself, the real site will be up as soon as my webmaster is done with finals!!) and on MySpace at:
feel free to view/ buy her shirts!
color of the day----green
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
kilauea--by gardega
amused to death---flicker rate
update---by gardega
ghost of renoir
On a sullen and blighted shore
where the hands of time can reach no more
there walks the ones who came before
as if the sky had never changed
as if the blood still flows in veins---gardega
Monday, April 14, 2008
quote of the day--carl jung
Today humanity, as never before, is split into two apparently irreconcilable halves.
The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate.
That is to say, when the individual remains undivided and does not become conscious of his inner contradictions, the world must perforce act out the conflict and be torn into opposite halves.
– C.G. Jung, 1959buddha statue
wine cellar mural---by gardega
mural photos---by gardega
I went back to the wine cellar I painted today to take some shots (now that the wine cellar construction is 100% completed.) It was strange being in a room again where I spent three weeks working on a ceiling, the room felt like an old friend.. This is the Da Vinci inspired center of the 16 foot mural---Specifically it is the Battle of Anghiari. For any issues I have with the painting itself I forgive myself because I painted standing and straining my neck for three weeks.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
great stuff!
I think it is great to take a new view on viewing art!
Buddha Sculpture
courbet at the met--by gardega
picasso---man with lollipop
the met--first to arrive
I was the first person to arrive at The Met this morning as I got there an hour early to make sure I was the first person in to see the Courbet show today. I even had ample time to take photos in Central park. The man behind me and second in line (an artist) and I got into a discussion and I made a a quip about the contrast of having both jasper Johns and Courbet shows at the same time. Turns out that he was a big fan of jasper Johns and thought Dali a third rate hack. I mentioned to him that Jasper Johns was a terrible draftsman and Dali was the greater draftsman than even Picasso and that Jasper Johns could not draw.. He said he "lettered well." I replied that sign shops also letter rather well. He knew that it was game over at that point and I pointed out that what makes the world great is each person is entitled to their own opinion. Gardega was glad he was first on line and not second as I scurried away from idiocy and into the great halls of genius.
springtime---- by gardega
alice in wonderland bronze--NYC
Pet Photography---by Gardega
Central Park---by gardega
The Met
Friday, April 11, 2008
also at the MET--jasper Johns--TA DA!!!
I am sorry if any of you are Jasper John's fans as I am picking on him because he also has a show at The Met. This piece is called hart crane (persicope) --I have learned that if you are painting "Modern art" and your painting has no real merit to it (visual or otherwise) you can throw a random title on it to make it seem like it is more than it seems---like you are "in the know." Courbet's painting of a Desperate Man takes labor and skill and love and thought and sweat. these paintings take a can of cheap acrylic paint. I have also noticed the greater the con game in the art world--the greater amount of words you need to describe a piece of art or an artist. This is the opposite of ZEN, alex thinks---just sitting, painting.
viva gardega
Courbet at The Met
here is something I stole from the Mets website....
Gustave Courbet (1819–1877), the self-proclaimed "proudest and most arrogant man in France," created a sensation at the Salon of 1850–51 when he exhibited a group of paintings set in his native Ornans, a village in eastern France. These works challenged convention by rendering scenes from daily life in an emphatically realistic style and on the large scale previously reserved for history painting.
Courbet's career was punctuated by a succession of scandals, which were usually cultivated by the artist and always welcomed. After a public fight with the all-powerful superintendent of fine arts, Comte Nieuwerkerke, several of his works were refused display in the great Salon and Universal Exposition of 1855. Courbet countered with his own Pavilion of Realism, audaciously built within sight of the official Salon, where he exhibited, among other works, a monumental canvas, The Painter's Studio (Musée d'Orsay, Paris). The accompanying exhibition catalogue included his "Realist Manifesto," in which he declared his aim "to be in a position to translate the customs, the ideas, the appearance of my epoch, according to my own estimation." The press had a field day, and Courbet immediately became the most controversial artist in France.
A new generation of painters, among them Manet, Monet, Fantin-Latour, Degas, and Whistler, were drawn to Courbet's outsize personality and his realism. As a painter of landscapes, he developed a radical vision, expressed in tightly focused views of his native Franche-Comté as well as his "landscapes of the sea," which profoundly influenced the next generation of artists, especially Cézanne.
In 1870, he rejected the coveted award of the Legion of Honor, proclaiming his freedom and independence from any form of government. His involvement with the short-lived, socialist government, the Paris Commune of 1871, led to imprisonment and, ultimately, self-imposed exile in Switzerland, where he died in 1877. Through his powerful and idiosyncratic realism and his courtship of the press and controversy, Courbet became a pioneering figure in the history of modern art. His paintings, which moved Picasso,
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
quote of the day
david lee roth
Monday, April 7, 2008
nyc and the sofa of time
words of the day----N.peart
We can rise and fall like empires
Flow in and out like the tide
Be vain and smart, humble and dumb
We can hit and miss like pride
Just like pride
We can circle around like hurricanes
Dance and dream like lovers
Attack the day like birds of prey
Or scavengers under cover
Look in...to the eye of the storm
Look out...for the force without form
Look around...at the sight and the sound
Look in look out look around...
We can move with savage grace
To the rhythms of the night
Cool and remote like dancing girls
In the heat of the beat and the lights
We can wear the rose of romance
An air of joie de vivre
Too tender hearts upon our sleeves
Or skin as thick as thieves
Thick as thieves...
thought of the day---gnomic thoughts
Sunday, April 6, 2008
another set
Saturday, April 5, 2008
photo by gardega
glass women--by gardega
Here are two of six glass women I created for Europa nightclub in brooklyn. It is a terrible photograph as the pieces are normally self illuminated by LED lighting and the color of the LED changes to the music and along with the lighting of the entire club. The frames are going to be repainted as they are just place holders at the moment. These pieces are three foot by four foot. I am hesitant to show them unlit as they are but I will have them shot professionally soon. The ominous faces reflect my ominous mood as my deadline was pretty overwhelming. I spent more time framing and lighting than I did on the pieces. These pieces are also for sale as I have an arrangement with europa to hang until they are sold.
the last supper---by monty python
"I'll get a bloody photographer" (that about sums up art for me in a nutshell.)
word of the day---by gardega
camarilla \kam-uh-RIL-uh; -REE-yuh\, noun:
A group of secret and often scheming advisers, as of a king; a cabal or clique.
I have not heard this word and I am now one word smarter...
3:26 AM---leonardo and magic--by gardega
Alex once read that paintings were often looked upon in the Renaissance as magical talismans and that they had certain powers. For instance, Leonardo's Virgin on the rocks masterpiece was thought to be a talisman against the plague ( I believe alex read this in his past) I like the idea of paintings having powers (especially spiritual powers) as that is what I try to achieve in my watercolor work. Picasso (for all his faults and bullshit) was a great philosopher and felt that paintings had a certain magic. In the end his magic turned tragic as the snake eventually ate its own tail (as often is the case with genius.) If anyone finds any strange phallic symbols in this painting let me know as I just dont see any.
the bronx covers---by gardega
I woke up at midnight tonight and went out for a drink in my hood. The upper east side is a strange place as I watched people sucking margaritas out of communal gold fish bowls with fluorescent straws, a girl said to me that I do not seem like the fluorescent straw type which was something I took as a compliment and then I went back home and got to work on my "Bronx covers." I am still getting used to (after five years) of painting on a yellow background. Since it is the yellow pages, I really cannot argue for a different background color so I try to make magic come out of yellow and grow where I am planted.
Alice in Winter Watercolor
12 x 16 inches on arches paper to purchase https://tendollarart.com/products/alice-in-winter-watercolor
alexgardega@gmail.com 917 400 1317
Questions and or comments or simply anything related to art... alexgardega@gmail.com 917 400 1317
Here is a detail from my piece in progress. At Mcsorleys you can only get light or dark beer, no bottles and no liquor..The name Mcsorley...