Saturday, June 4, 2011


Out of Hospital. Had some serious throat issues...Could be better, could be worse. My days of living on wine and redbull and turpentine are over. I can only have the turpentine now. My throat doesnt love me anymore and must heal. I dont even smoke. The problem with being an eternal bachelor is you risk dying of self neglect. I am, concerned my 20 years of glass art my have been bad for throat as well. It didnt help. Time to heal. At least I will spend less money on wine and make more art. Hopefully the great coin of god lands on the right side for me and things dont go from bad to worse. I was on morphine,to stop my pain in the hopsital, it made me so crazy I pulled out my own IV. it wasnt pretty. Morphine doesnt love me. God bless doctors..putting up with people like me.

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Alice in Winter Watercolor

12  x 16 inches on arches paper to purchase