Thursday, January 31, 2008
ebay find! by gardega
I am always on the lookout for Dali books I do not own. Here is one I just won on ebay for a rather small fee! This is the first time in 1,500 entries in my blog I put the image on the right and words on left. I feel vertigo...this book title sounds like a list of the three things that have caused me the most trouble in life...
lipstick on a pig--by gardega
There is a great southern saying that states if you put lipstick on a pig it is still a pig....I have made art that never worked, no matter how nicely framed or makeupped. Then there are pieces like this one, when framed correctly the painting finds a life of its own. I was never too sure of this piece until I saw it framed with a black matte. The black matte really makes the piece sing as it brings out or emphasizes the breakdown of simple shapes in the work. I takes a lot of words to try to say "zen." Life is really simple at it's core, wake up, shower, eat, work ,sleep, laugh, cry...etc
This is from a collector named Amy in Colorado.
mucho thankso
the family and the fishing net--by gardega
This was my favorite song for almost ten years of my life from my teen years on...I still see the same images in my head as I did back then. (This is a re-post for new viewers..the painting is not my best but you win some and lose some.)
"burning out in sudden flashes, draining blood from the well fed faces.." It took me twenty years to figure out this song is about a wedding and the capturing of a "groom" by the family. The quote probably refers to the flashbulbs at a wedding...I am sure it had something to do with Peter Gabriel's reluctance and fear of getting married and "making the plunge" (and the whole ritual involved therein.)
flowers of evil--by gardega
emails from the past--by gardega
Brooklyn Test Cover---by gardega
on a white horse--- by gardega
Here is an oil painting on glass. Death is a common theme in my art. I am also occupied with the twin themes of rebirth and resurrection. I think I would be rich If I would paint "nicer" pictures and paint them again and again and again...I cannot bring myself to paint puppies as I have to stare into a looking "glass" over my sink each morning.
I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True.
queens cover
Here is painting I made for Ambassador Publishing Queens edition. It is 15 x 20 (photo is a bit off- color as it is a pure yellow background.) This is for sale for $100.00--- if you are a Queens or NYC resident then you know the landmark very well. I will include a signed actual printed cover in addition.
Birth of Dali---by gardega
I woke up at Two AM and went jogging and then I drove to seven eleven and got my morning big gulp. --- I had something brewing and itching inside that I had to address but I wasn't sure what! I looked atop my shelf and I found my solution. My friend Teal had bought me (for Christmas) a "musical egg" that plays the sugar plum fairy when wound. There was something missing from inside the egg so I decided to one day make use of the void--- but I wasn't sure how! Then It hit me!I quickly sat down and took an egg from my empty fridge and hollowed it out into the sink. I then painted (in black and white) a portrait of definitive genius. If anyone wishes to purchase my "Birth of Dali" you can make an offer via email. This is one for the ages.
artist of the day---chris elliot!
Here is a picture of me with one of the great masters of art. Some people know him as an actor/ comedian but they are unaware of his contribution to the world of visual art. He invented pop art, op art, pop tarts, op tarts and and even abstract expressionism. He is a true genius among the giants of art and he is happy to tell you stories about drinking with Van Gogh or how Picasso stole cubism from him. Did I mention he also invented surrealism? Notice here as he has added a floating cupcake to what would be an otherwise mundane and boring seascape. "Melting clocks are so yesterday" he muttered "but floating cupcakes are timeless." when Chris lays down his brushes the art world will retreat back to the dark ages quicker than a hillbilly to a jug of shine.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
artist of the day---howard pyle
Howard Pyle was the teacher of NC Wyeth and a master of the "Golden Age" of illustration. He was a Pennsylvania based artist. He started his own school in Brandy Wine Pa. and the stress of the school was on taking great pains to get the details and realism of the accurate and to keep "life" in the work as well. I have seen many a noodler and renderer noodle the life right out of a painting by detailing it to death. (Pyle was not one of those artists.) Back in the day Artists were paid very well for illustration Even Van Gogh was a fan of his work. Pyle knew his craft inside and out was as good as any "fine artist" of his day. Photography stole the life out of illustration because magazines began to use photos instead of illustration and the golden age faded like figure in the sunset.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
happy tuesday by gardega
I had a dream that I hailed a cab and that Leonardo Da Vinci was the cab driver. He didn't say much and I am not sure If I tipped him. He had a hat on that bore the distinctive look of the Renaissance. This morning I realized the hat he wore is on the cover of a book I own about Renaissance engraving. I suppose I had the dream because during the day I was pondering the thought of what would happen if Da Vinci was born today. (I guess my subconscious supplied me with the answer.) Somewhere in there is a story that someone will probably steal from me.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Big Brother---by gardega
I often think in themes and usually those themes come in fives as well. If I get interested in triangles I will usually explore five different avenues of triangles. If I am thinking about a direction to go in there are usually five paths ahead of me to be considered. Maybe it has to do with having five fingers on one hand and counting out things as a child. My site has five crabs on it and I only own five pairs of shoes and will throw away a pair when I buy a new pair. As far as triangles go there is another triangle to consider...Outside the empire state building in NYC there is a "triangle" area where cars will often not start. It is because of the frequency of the radio tower on top of the Emp. State building. This brings me to our next topic---Big brother---The Onstar company can turn your car off for you anytime they wish and we are happy to let them into our lives and cars for "safety." If you are willing to give up your freedoms and privacy for safety and security you deserve neither. Personal liberties are not five legged star fish--they do not grow back when gone.
pattern recognition
If you look at this picture it is "obvious" to many that there is a white "triangle" overlapping the picture. In truth there is no triangle, your visual brain creates a triangle from some pac-man like circles and some smaller broken pieces. I find it interesting that our brains fill in visual blanks. I think our brains also do that with the call and response effect of music (which probably stems from the childs call out to the mother and the awaited response but I digress) I am curious if we fill in parts of memories in the same pattern. If we forget something to we add our own "triangles" to the pictures of our memories? I lived for ten years without a television so I learned to think a lot and I think the "idiot box" should be turned off often so humans learn to think again.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Ghiberti---Gates of Paradise
Anyone who ever studied anything about art history probably has heard of Lorenzo Ghiberti and his masterpiece-The Gates of Paradise. In the opinion of Gardega these doors were the gates of paradise as well as the entry way into the grand hall of the Renaissance itself! This is where it all started...A young Michelangelo was transformed by his viewing of these "doors." I posted this image because the trees are so well done. After a day of walking through Chelsea and staring at paintings on tin foil--- I will often restore my tired vision by viewing the Gates of Paradise. Bronze has been terribly used and abused (ala henry moore etc) and but when that humble alloy is in the right hands it is a thing to behold!
richard lacayo-----moron of the ages!,9171,1027509,00.html?promoid=googlep
Landscape age 15---by gardega
I painted this when I was 14 or 15. I made it up out of my head as I was, and am, apt to do. It is the eternal, internal landscape that matters to me. Notice the lovely flowing water in this painting...Notice how it is fluoride free and pure. It is essentially wrong to add fluoride to our drinking water as I have mentioned before and will again. Fluoride is a toxin and and I would rather have bad teeth than have the government add toxins to my water. Someone left a comment on the previous entry regarding fluoride and a petition to stop the fluoridation of drinking water. I awoke at 4am to start my day and as usual I went to 7-11 to get my Pepsi Big Gulp. While there, I noticed The Post had not arrived yet. You know you are up early when you beat the paper to 7-11.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
fluoride lowers IQ
Friday, January 25, 2008
more thoughts on a glass elephant..
glass elephant
Thursday, January 24, 2008
looking back
artist of the day---maxfield parrish
Viva Max!
irises by gardega
There is a reason van gogh painted irises---They are the best of all possible flowers. Sometimes I feel a bit commercial when I make pieces like this but then I look to the history of art and the Japanese and Lalique and I know I am in good company. I painted two new versions of my irises on gold leaf so you can inquire via email. They are approx. 1 foot by two foot and priced at 200. dollars each. Gold leaf is an interesting surface to paint on and a challenge to perfect when laying down the leaf itself. I probably wont put on ebay so you can email me if you are interested in buying these.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
artist of the day--by gardega
I get as many ideas from reading as I do from using my eyeballs to look at paintings. Normally when I get a hold of an author I read every book they ever wrote. (Then I read all the biographies I can find as well) The writer Thornton Wilder is not one of those writers. I only read one book by him but it was a masterpiece I think everyone should read. The book/ play is called "Our Town" and is a work of great and wondrous brilliance. If you want to get a feel for life in America in a simpler time then pay a visit to Grover's Corner New Hampshire. I read it 15 years ago and never forgot it. It is an easy read and an important one. buy this today and read it in February.
new NYC painting by Gardega
Here is my first rough of the Ambassador New York City yellow page cover. I am going to do some more work on the design but I will keep the majority of what I have developed here. (this will soon be on a doorstep near you.) these borough covers are interesting because they force you too actually look at things you think you have seen a million times.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
breaking news!
I drove deep into Brooklyn today to pick up a large table top that I was commissioned to carve a design onto. I was unable to get an assistant so I had to carry a two hundred pound table top into my pickup truck on my own. I managed to get it safely into my truck and proceeded to drive back to long island. I managed to hit a railroad crossing too fast and watched the piece shatter in my rear view. I am still trying not to get upset as I have made glass art for twenty years and have had a good record of breakage. You have to break some eggs to make an omelette (as they say...) my scanner is back in order as well. Welcome to late January! This is the second glass piece I broke at the same stupid RR bump. I am looking forward to leaving the suburbs as this was a sign. If you cant laugh at the things that go wrong in life and art you yourself break like so much glass. It is best to bend like a tree in the wind and have a drink or two and start fresh again tomorrow...
Monday, January 21, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Its friday!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The bronx zoo
nyc cover by gardega
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
statue of liberty by gardega
I am very tired tonight but I have to work on a NYC painting of the statue of liberty for the cover of the yellow pages. I have posted a copy here of my first statue of liberty painting for the yellow pages. This was not long after sept. 11th so I tried to give her a defiant (if not angry) look that would still be acceptable for the publisher.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
signs of genius
upon returning from brooklyn yesterday I was too lazy and tired to stop to get gas and ran out exactly as I pulled into my parking spot. Last week I ran out as I pulled into a gas station. I am not sure why I always have to push things right up to the edge of the cliff but I suppose I like watching the pebbles fall over. I am also not sure why I decided to illustrate this with my teenage painting of Saddam Hussein--- I made this painting before I knew who he was....premonition?
renaissance crab
Naturalism in art refers to the depiction of realistic objects in a natural setting. The Realism movement of the 19th century advocated naturalism in reaction to the stylized and idealized depictions of subjects in Romanticism, but many painters have adopted a similar approach over the centuries. One example of Naturalism is the artwork of American artist William Bliss Baker, whose landscape paintings are considered some of the best examples of the naturalist movement. An important part of the naturalist movement was its Darwinian perspective of life and its view of the futility of man up against the forces of nature.
Naturalism began in the early Renaissance, and developed itself further throughout the Renaissance, such as with the Florentine School.
Naturalism is a type of art that pays attention to very accurate and precise details, and portrays things as they are.
NOTE FROM ALEX: people often use the word realism in place of naturalism and that is a mistake-- realism does not mean it looks realistic, that is a misnomer. I will explain realism later.
artist of the day--Carravagio.
good morning...
Monday, January 14, 2008
mission statement--- or not
quote of the day...
— hunter s thompson "Extreme Behavior in Aspen," February 3, 2003
the emperor never had any clothes!
For the past twenty years or so, I've been saying that
modern art is shit. I majored in art history at Chapel
Hill in the 1980s, and was always locking horns with
some of my professors.
I was always the one who would ask "what, exactly, is
it?" The teachers didn't like such questions.
So, reading your quote in Page Six made me laugh.
R. B.
my studio
high school drawing
I received an email today from a girl from my high school (many horseshoe crab moons ago) and by chance today I found a drawing I made for the high school literary magazine. Someone bought this in may so I only have the scan...Alice in wonderland was (and is) a work of inspiration for me.
“Plus ca change, plus ce la meme chose”
comments etc
Salvation--- final drawing by Gardega
Here is a final sketch for my "Salvation" piece. I believe that human salvation (at least our medicinal salvation) is to be found in the blood of the horseshoe crab and in its DNA and I also believe that it is indeed a sacred animal or "power animal" as the American Indians used to call animals that held magic properties. I intend to make a glass carving of this piece and also a painting as well. This is the second and final drawing/ study that helped me understand what I am dealing with visually. It will be a very difficult glass carving but I will cross that bridge later. Somebody mentioned that this resembled female anatomy but that is not conscious on my part. It is pieced together from scans as the piece was too big to scan in one pass. that will account for lines that do not meet in the photo but does not occur in original piece.
to buy: click here
alex is back home
You can do a lot in a lifetime
If you don't burn out too fast
You can make the most of the distance
First you need endurance
First you've got to last----N.Peart
ceiling painting
for my new viewers here is a mural I recently completed . It is in progress in these photos and I will update soon...
ophelia carving
how to buy a gardega
new drawings up tonight
quote of the day
gardega--page six january 14, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
new idea by gardega
Saturday, January 12, 2008
NYC CARVED GLASS---shower door etching
NYC Etched Glass---racehorse etching
not sure if I ever posted this-- I carved this for a client in NYC. I carved this on the back of a smoked mirror for an amazing apt on 52nd st.
link to my glass website:
Friday, January 11, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
sad eyed lady by gardega
art is shipped
artist of the day-- arthur rackham
My whole life I have been a huge fan of the 19 th century illustrator Arthur Rackham. He was a huge success in his time and remained a very hardworking , humble, english gentleman. He was one of the great artists of his generation regardless of the fact that he was an illustrator and not a "fine artiste" He was much better than most artists of his time (the ones read about in the art history books) free to google and learn more about the underrated artist whose subject matter of fairies and elves will never be accepted by the elitist art world. His line was a thing of wonder and it still resonates with the unmistakable touch of genius.
Happy Wednesday from Gardega
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
good morning america--from gardega
Monday, January 7, 2008
adirondack watercolors--gardega
finished drawing---gardega--SALVATION
Here is the finished drawing of my new piece. I have to scan it in pieces so it has a few jagged edges that break up the flow. I will paint this and carve it in glass . The first study is in my ebay store.I may sell this drawing as well as I am not sure If I will paint onto the paper or trace it to is 22 inches square on Rives BK paper.
ancient super-glue...
Alice in Winter Watercolor
12 x 16 inches on arches paper to purchase
- 917 400 1317
Questions and or comments or simply anything related to art... 917 400 1317
Here is a detail from my piece in progress. At Mcsorleys you can only get light or dark beer, no bottles and no liquor..The name Mcsorley...