Sunday, April 24, 2011


There is the famed oracle at Delphi where Pythia would sit above a fissure in the earth and share her wisdom... we've had countless Sages and prophets through the ages gazing into the ole' crystal ball and bringing wisdom to the masses.

My humble blog is like a crystal egg of gnomic genius. I distill the massive overload of information we are bombarded with everyday and boil it down into an omelet that even the masses can stomach. I often gaze into the crystal egg of genius and get back to my worldwide audience who await their daily meal.

I predicted Obama would be a disaster (as I did with bush) I predicted the collapse of the housing market and the rise of Gold and Silver yet unseen level. I predict the collapse of the dollar (by design) and the rise of a global currency. I predict the world will turn black and white like the old newsreels of the great depression. 

I predict a new tv show called Breadlines of the Stars (like dancing with the stars but a lot more waiting around and no dancing) I have been laughed at by friends and enemies alike but I keep the course and have been proven right again and again. The wheels of time grind true and the crystal egg of genius is hardly ever wrong. I find it sad that those who wish in another wall street puppet (with a bright smile) for another term will find their kids and grandkids drowning in a deluge of debt so bad that the goodship america will sink like a stone.

When americas debt reaches its GDP then will be no need to bail the ship anymore, you are better off rearranging deck chairs on the titanic..But alas america is a country of fools and TV has dumbed us down and The eggs of genius go unheeded and no arks are built until the rains have already started. Another obama term will be the final sword in the back of the american bull and although the horned beast that is america is better off dead to some, the devil you dont know that hides behind door number three is one I never want to meet..thus speaks the oracle.

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Alice in Winter Watercolor

12  x 16 inches on arches paper to purchase